Keynote Speakers

J. Ramon Gil-Garcia
Associate Professor of Public Administration and Policy and the Director of the Center for Technology in Government, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY).
J. Ramon Gil-Garcia, Ph.D., MS, is an Associate Professor of Public Administration and
Policy and the Director of the Center for Technology in Government, University at
Albany, State University of New York (SUNY). Dr. Gil-Garcia was considered the most
prolific author in the field of digital government research worldwide and in 2013 he
was selected for the Research Award, which is “the highest distinction given annually
by the Mexican Academy of Sciences to outstanding young researchers.” More recently,
Dr. Gil-Garcia was named “One of the World’s 100 Most Influential People in Digital
Government” in 2018 and 2019 by Apolitical. Dr. Gil-Garcia is the author or co-author
of articles in prestigious international journals in Public Administration, Information
Systems, and Digital Government and some of his publications are among the most cited
in the field of digital government research worldwide. His research interests include
collaborative electronic government, inter-organizational information integration,
smart cities and smart governments, adoption and implementation of emergent
technologies, digital divide policies, and multi-method research approaches.

Anastasija Nikiforova
Assistant professor and researcher (PhD)
University of Latvia, Faculty of Computing
Anastasija Nikiforova is an assistant professor of Information Systems at University of Tartu (Institute of Computer Science), a part of European Open Science Cloud Task Force “FAIR Metrics and Data Quality” and a visiting researcher at Delft University of Technology (Faculty Technology Policy and Management), whose research interests include, but are not limited to, data management with a particular focus on data quality, open government data, Smart City, Society 5.0, sustainable development, IoT, HCI and digitization. She is an expert of the COST – European Cooperation in Science & Technology, as well as Latvian Council of Sciences in (1) Natural Sciences – Computer Science and Informatics, (2) Engineering and Technology-Electrical Engineering, Electronics, ICT, and (3) Social Sciences – Economics and Business. In addition, she is an associate member of the Latvian Open Technology Association. She serves as a program committee for 10+ international conferences and invited reviewer for 10+ high-quality (Q1-Q2) journals. She is an Editorial Board Member for several journals and a general chair for the international Electronic Governance with Emerging Technologies Conference (EGETC).